A diversified group of companies was experiencing severe ‘growing pains’ due to inadequate development of its organizational structure and systems.
To solve this, Human Edge had to provide specific solutions to the problems of structure and systems by implementing a carefully designed program of organization development.
The Problem
A diversified group of companies with interests in energy, commerce and finance was experiencing severe ‘growing pains’ due to inadequate development of its organizational structure and systems.
The CEO was immersed in the most mundane decisions, and the various management teams within the group existed solely to implement his decisions. While not an obstacle to growth in the early years, such a highly centralized style of management was becoming increasingly ineffective and limiting in terms of allowing the group to deal with the highly competitive business environment it was now facing.
The Solution
The CEO finally realized that if the group was to achieve his ambitious goals, the entire management system would need to be overhauled. Human Edge was asked to provide specific solutions to the problems of structure and systems outlined above. Over a five-year period, Human Edge coordinated the implementation of a carefully designed program of organization development.
First, a Human Edge Review to ascertain the current status of all key organizational functions. Next, an off-site Vision, Strategy and Team-Building workshop was organized for senior group executives. The objective was to clarify the group’s long-term business focus. This was followed by a series of management development programmes to hone the management skills of senior managers.
At the same time, a comprehensive policy framework was developed to serve as a guide to management decision-making on personal matters. Finally, a new Performance Management and Reward System was introduced to reinforce desired attitudinal and behavioral change.
The Results
Management within the group has become more purposeful and systematic. The various management teams now play more meaningful roles in day-to-day operations and the CEO is free to concentrate on more strategic issues.
Human Edge continues to work closely with the group. A management trainee scheme is currently being developed to assure a steady flow of managerial talent to support future business initiatives.